(posting NSFW content is allowed)ĭon't post content that's disturbing/NSFL, hateful/mean-spirited, insensitive, etc. When answering with a link, add the artist/title of the songĪdd an NSFW tag/warning when posting such content.

When posting: Use timestamped links when relevant/possible ( YouTube explanation) When posting: Link to the songs/sources that you mention, and use public sources. 31 Contributors Bad Habits (Fumez the Engineer Remix) Lyrics Intro Ooh Verse 1: Ed Sheeran & Tion Wayne Every time you come around, you know I cant say no Every time the sun goes down, I.

When describing a melody with notes/chords or words please also try to record yourself on Vocaroo or to recreate the melody on OnlineSequencer (at the end click the light blue cloud icon to save) / MusicLab (click "Save") Where can I purchase/stream the album Album Name by Artist? What's the sub-genre of this electronic background music? What's the genre of Song Title by Artist? For identifying a genre or locating an identified song/album in a legal way use a title format like: Era, Genre/Style, Artist Type (or name), Source Name, Language, Lyrics/Content, Music Video, Cover artī. For identifying a song/artist/album - your title must include at least one of the following details: Go over the section " Ways To Identify Songs Before Posting" in our guidelinesĪ.
Thank you and good luck! Subreddit Rules:Ĭlick Here For A Full Explanation Version Ed Sheeran w/ Bad Habits, September, Supermode or Bronski Beat edsheeran badhabits september bronskibeat music'. A subreddit for identifying a song/artist/album/genre, or locating a song/album in a legal way.